Occupational Therapy Townsville
OpportunOty is an Occupational Therapy Townsville practice focused on delivering leading therapeutic services to empower & support participants.
What is Occupational Therapy?
Occupational Therapy is a client-centred profession which focuses on promoting health and wellbeing through participation in meaningful occupations. The main goal of occupational therapy is to work collaboratively with people to enable them to participate in the daily occupations that they need to do, and want to do.
So what is an occupation?
Occupations refer to the everyday activities that people do throughout their day that occupy their time and provide meaning and purpose to their life. Occupations (meaningful activities) are broken down into the following three life areas:

the activities you do to take care of yourself and your health and wellbeing. This can include brushing your teeth, showering, toileting, eating, and sleeping.

the paid or unpaid work activities you engage in such as your job, attending school or university, or volunteering within the community.

activities of enjoyment, entertainment, creativity, celebration, and interest such as gardening, playing sport, or arts and crafts.
About opportunOTy Occupational Therapy
Vision Statement
Our vision is to create opportunities for empowerment, fulfilment, achievement and hope through integrated practice.
Mission Statement
Our mission is to provide leading therapeutic services that deliver the highest standard and quality of care, with innovative, creative and holistic approaches that support participant choice and control, and quality of life.

Occupational Therapy Queensland Outreach Services

OpportunOTy regularly run outreach services to the following regions to help deliver Occupational Therapy and other services to locations all throughout Queensland.
We regularly visit Magnetic Island, Cairns, Charters Towers and several other locations. See here for schedules and more information.